Why do top 100 guild achievements and titles exist?.Why have they bothered making official M+ world championship for the past 3 years?.Why have Blizzard bothered making official arena world championships for the past 13 years every year?.If you’re still convinced none of this matters and high end content is completely irrelevant, answer these: These events are very often making it top 5 most watched competitive esport events online. Without the competitive side, the game would not only lose a lot of players, but a substantial amount of exposure thanks to viewership on competitive events.

While the very high end might be a minority, the actual number of people this system will affect negatively is not. In reality it’s probably way way higher than that. I think we can safely say that the part of the playerbase that at least cares about somewhat high-end content, not necessarily participates in it, is easily at the very least 300 000. Easily over 100 000 players were willing to take it a step further and go ask for help from the more skilled, or discuss things themselves.

BoD WF race, 191 372 peak viewers on the Method twitch channel.In Uldir race to world first, Sco, the tank for Method has peaked at 162 035 viewers while the Method twitch channel peaked at 263 000 concurrent viewers.

Mythic Dungeon Invitational Global Finals 2018: 122 499 peak viewers.2018 Arena world championship peaked at 132 324 live viewers, averaging 61 111 viewers.Over 34 000 people are watching MDI Global finals live at the time of writing this.You are minority and game will bareldy notice it. Nobady will ever care if high end players end up quiting game beoucse of it.