Many players like the hovertanks mainly because they are so easy to play. The hovertanks of the Future Era are really strong and thanks to their stealth mode, not even the AI can do much wrong there. Of course, this would have been successful in a automatic battle as well. About the same requirements and only slightly increased bonuses also make the fight for platform 3 an easy task.

Let the enemy’s stealthed units pick up the retaliation instead.

In the second wave, you should make sure to take out the exoskeleton soldiers first, since they can attack stealthed units and then attack from a distance without having to fear retaliation damage. The first wave does not present any challenge at all and can therefore be completed without any injuries.

The superior combat bonuses again make the second battle very easy. The battle with the hovertanks certainly does not require a detailed explanation. To do so, they can remain on the baseline. Their long range makes it very easy to attack the rogues last. The optimal solution for players with far less combat bonus would be to use the satellite spotter. Therefore we routinely used 2 hovertanks plus 6 rogues. This should not be a problem at this level. The times with sample solutions based on 90 attack and 90 defense are over.Īccordingly, since that increase, on the first two platforms, the computer has an 180% bonus on attack and defense. Considering the inflationary values of the event buildings, this can now be considered appropriate for the Future Era. We have some 350% attack bonus and 240% defense in these fights. Since the computer added half of the previous bonus at level 4 of the guild expedition, many asked for a new sample solution, which we are happy to deliver with this guide today.